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Build Update

50.7k ChaMikey  8.0 years ago

Update : Thursday, 24th August, 19.33pm Western Indonesian Time (WIB)

builds ready to release :
- Flakpanzer Gepard II
- AH-1Z Viper
- T-55A (low-ish part count)
- Attack boat
- Bf-109 G-6
- Yak-3p
- XAH-1 Python
- T-72M with tracks

Plans, underway and testings :
- Arado 234 B-2/C-3
- Me-262 A-1a/A-2a/A1-u4/C-2b
- some sort of destroyer
- low part P-51D

requests :
I lost track of the requests actually, feel free to list em below.

Recent build :
- M1A1 Abrams

Hang in there guys! and tell me what I should upload from all those ready builds :D