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Reporting Posts

104k Dllama4  8.0 years ago

How much must a user change to an aircraft in order for it not to get reported/removed?

Should I report the following?
•Adding weapons
•Different paint scheme
•Adding airbrakes/parachutes
•Removing/adding one or two parts


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    Bro it’s 1:03 am and I’m hungry, what should I do

    4.6 years ago
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    7,870 RealQcan

    @AstleyIndustries I don't agree. Just cause some one thinks adding tons of weapons to a plane is cool, that doesn't give you the right to report them.

    7.9 years ago
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    1. If the loadout is too op (unrealistic) or only made of unmodded missiles or weapons from other players (not theirs), best to report.
    2. Report overly simple or schemes where the parts are not changed i.e exactly the same camo pattern
    3. Report
    4. Report, unless there is significant visual or performance improvement
    8.0 years ago