I'd like the ''Rise'' and ''Run'' fuselage movement to be less, Right now its 0.25 and i'd want like a 0.10/0.15 so you can make better shapes and whatnot, Tell me if you understood a single word i just wrote... No idea how to phrase what i mean.
I'd like the ''Rise'' and ''Run'' fuselage movement to be less, Right now its 0.25 and i'd want like a 0.10/0.15 so you can make better shapes and whatnot, Tell me if you understood a single word i just wrote... No idea how to phrase what i mean.
@Adrewgarrison another thing that bothers me is that... Free spinning rotors have like a speed limit. Trying to make a fast rotating propeller but, That limit ruins it.
@EarthwormJim Well that's true but adding what i/we suggested here is a start of that.
Better variant is the Fine Tuner and Overload to become internal feature
Good idea! Why not we just type the number
@TheLatentImage That is true, it would open up a lot more possibilities. Than the current "restrictive" UI. Although Fine-Tuner and Overload mods are both very good tools, it would also be nice to see the concepts in these mods able to be introduced into the game itself.
@BaconAircraft I'm lazy too, but for me it's not even an issue of laziness. By adding a numerical input box for all of the variables accessible via xml it would open up the building possibilities for all users. The current ui is actually quite restrictive and in order to build to ones fullest potential manpitulation of these variables in the xml is necessary. Having a ui that allows for numerical input would exponentially increase the overall quality of the builds uploaded to the website.
@BaconAircraft Aren't we all? C:
@TheLatentImage Agree! I hate using XML to get smaller numbers. (I'm very lazy)
@TheLatentImage I agree, that would be very useful when making curvier shapes and small planes, also it would be very useful for realistic wings and reducing suspension wheight
This is a great idea! @Joeysellers
@TheLatentImage that would be even better!
YES! (@TheLatentImage yes to that even more)
@EternalDarkness @MrSilverWolf @Fishbowl1121 @TheLatentImage Thanks! I Really want to see this worked out and now i got people that agrees with me!
I agree. Honestly I would like to see numerical input boxes for all of the variables.
Yes! That would make things a lot better!
Optimally, 0.125. That's half of the current 0.25 offset.