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What I would add to SimplePlanes

9,199 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing  8.0 years ago

First, I love this game, I think it's amazing. But there are some things I think should be added.

No.1: Helicopter rotors, at the moment they can only be added with mods, I think that they should be implemented into the game.
No.2: Fuselage should be able to be fine tuned, instead of having either 0 or .25 as the smallest without mods, I think you should be able to do anywhere in between the default numbers.
No.3: Hollow fuselage, I have seen the artillery guns people have made, and wish I could do something similar, but I don't know how to make the projectile come out of the fuselage, you should be able to just make it hollow.
No.4: Diagonal blocks, you should be able to rotate things like rotators and pistons, so that they face diagonally, again these can be done with mods, but I thing that they should be in game.
No.5: More cockpits, I think there should be more variety.
No.6: Please fix the camera glitches for iPad!!! Please! They drive me insane!
No.7: An in game multiplayer system, I can't get the mod for it because I play on iPad. I would love to do multiplayer, and really hope it gets added, like the LAN servers for minecraft.
No.8: More weapons!!!! Not because I think it's necessary, but because I think it would be cool.
No.9: Timed releases for detachers and pylons, it would open up a whole new world of features.
No.10: More islands and enemies for iPad! Please, we need it.
That's all I could think of that I would really like to see added, I know most of is is able to be modded in, but on iPad, I have to go to so much trouble to get all the modded pices I need, and think it would be great to have those in game.