9,199 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing

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joined 8.0 years ago

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Check out my best friend JamesBrooks

Welcome to my biography! Now you have a few options at this point, one is to read this ENTIRE thing, or just skip to the bottom for a funny picture. I'm going to assume you chose that last one, but I will type this whole thing out anyway because potato.

I wouldn't say I am great at simple planes, I think I'm decent, but not great. I have recently been getting in to helicopters a lot, I haven't posted any builds in a while, but have made several helicopter (and helicopter-ish) designs that I will upload sooner or later. I take advice where and when I can get it, and like to make unique builds, I try to include a lot of features and extras.

Well this turned out a lot shorter than I thought it would be... Well, here's the picture as promised

IMG_0220.PNG that moment when you realize it won't let you post pictures from an iOS device D: