Yeah, I didn’t think it could happen but I got bored with simple planes, now I’m getting really hyped up about SR2, but I still lurk around here XD @Alienbeef0421
I agree, it’s a shame that so many people simply refuse to see that so much wrong could be stopped, arm teachers in schools or get an armed guard, and I guarantee you there will be a massive decrease in school shootings, and any that happen either very few or no people would be hurt, things like Florida wouldn’t happen because the schools wouldn’t be defenseless anymore. I challenge anyone to give me a reason not to arm citizens. I have heard many of them,all of them are either nonsensical or based on false logic, it’s propaganda... @TheGuyYouMightKnow
He was against civillians owning weapons, along with others like him, think he was right there? One of the first items dictators ban are ban are guns, because it means no one can stop them from taking whatever they want.
So is this a fictional firearm or an actual invention? If you came up with the concept yourself, I love the MP/STG 44 referee in the name :D if this was real I wonder why it failed...
Not all religions affirm peace, not to lecture you on the subtle and not so subtle differences on religion, but that is simply not true, not all world views affirm that peace is necessary, as for what is wrong with this world, it is that people are not perfect, we are not inherently good as so many would have you believe, quite the opposite in fact.
All I know is that he left, I remember seeing his planes when I first started using the website and being fascinated with them, he was a favorite of mine...
I’m afraid your right, the more things “change” the more they stay the same... I hadn’t heard of Mr. Haab, whose bravery I am heartened to hear about, as I don’t read much news as it only makes me angry at the sheer stupidity or plain malicious intent there is in the world, and how successful these people are, I don’t know your stance on this but I am both furious and deeply grieved that children are being murdered under the banner of “women’s rights” whose cult of followers seem to have no other argument than “my body my choice” when in fact it is not there body, but the body of the child whose life they deem unworthy... it sickens me to hear of people like Kermit Gosnell, all the while the liberal media claiming he was “a bad egg” and an “isolated incident” when in fact it was not, and there are similar horror stories from legitimate hospitals where these murders are performed. I suppose I have gone a bit off the original topic, but I find it somewhat relieving to communicate my frustrations to someone with a similar stand-point... @TheGuyYouMightKnow
I apologize, I’m not trying to push policy, but that is exactly the kind of situation that could so easily be avoided, talking about a general subject (like a school attack) is not nearly as effective as making the person see what has happened, and how easily it could be prevented, I don’t want to use tradgedies like this to advance a political agenda, as liberals are so keen to do whenever they can make guns look like some evil entity, but people need to be convinced of this for the sake of preventing other incidents, a visceral example is the best way to grab there attention and make them see it. @TheGuyYouMightKnow
Amen @AndrewGarrison
+11I was the 501st upvoter @Mymessage :P
+3Lol, 501st upvote trolololololololololollllllll.
+1Me too! He’s my favorite besideSpiritusRaptor @BeefyBoy4516
+1Yeah, I didn’t think it could happen but I got bored with simple planes, now I’m getting really hyped up about SR2, but I still lurk around here XD @Alienbeef0421
+1I agree, it’s a shame that so many people simply refuse to see that so much wrong could be stopped, arm teachers in schools or get an armed guard, and I guarantee you there will be a massive decrease in school shootings, and any that happen either very few or no people would be hurt, things like Florida wouldn’t happen because the schools wouldn’t be defenseless anymore. I challenge anyone to give me a reason not to arm citizens. I have heard many of them,all of them are either nonsensical or based on false logic, it’s propaganda... @TheGuyYouMightKnow
+1He was against civillians owning weapons, along with others like him, think he was right there? One of the first items dictators ban are ban are guns, because it means no one can stop them from taking whatever they want.
+1Do you kale a K31? I’ve never seen one in person but I love the idea of a straight pull bolt action @danman12
+1Thanks @10634 !
+1Thanks @Sarnnox !
+1XD @EternalDarkness
+1It’s muzzle flash by the way XD
+1Weird orange wheel thingy for sure XD
+1XDDDDDDDD I say we stage a military coup of simple planes and add multiplayer while he can’t stop us :P
+1Cloaking technology perhaps?
+1Flyby view at speed is so fun XD
+1Das amazin...
+1Cool, but 1.7 came out today, why post this now?
+1I don't even know but it is cool so potato
+1Yeh @Pianoman xD
+1Mind. Blown. @Pianoman , even I can't argue with that logic. Yet...
+1You stole the name of a Star Trek ship :O
+1крылья не двигаются. извините, если перевод плох, используя Google Translate. @whitenibba
I should say so @spefyjerbf
At least your not as inactive as I am, XD, I saw a few people had followed me in my absence, I feel kinda bad I won’t be giving them anything new...
So is this a fictional firearm or an actual invention? If you came up with the concept yourself, I love the MP/STG 44 referee in the name :D if this was real I wonder why it failed...
Oh so cool!
I finish school this week, the only two thing I have are the shortest and easiest, homeschooling is great XD @Chancey21
Thanks @SSSvaSSa !
I was thrilled to have him help me on both Star Wars designs @BeefyBoy4516
XD thanks @BeefyBoy4516
Spicy is right XD, this looks amazing!
Thanks @SUKHOI !
I don’t post anymore @BeefyBoy4516 , I just kind of lurk around the place XD, but have you seen my X-wing fighter? You might like that one
Thanks @BeefyBoy4516 ! I’m glad you enjoy it!
Oh XD @GreatHenry
Most, yes, but to say “all” is an untrue (and sometimes dangerous) assumption to make @F4f879
Not all religions affirm peace, not to lecture you on the subtle and not so subtle differences on religion, but that is simply not true, not all world views affirm that peace is necessary, as for what is wrong with this world, it is that people are not perfect, we are not inherently good as so many would have you believe, quite the opposite in fact.
I applaud your fuselage work!
I would know what this felt like if I wasn’t lazy and didn’t make teasers XD
Thanks @TheGuyYouMightKnow
All I know is that he left, I remember seeing his planes when I first started using the website and being fascinated with them, he was a favorite of mine...
I’m afraid your right, the more things “change” the more they stay the same... I hadn’t heard of Mr. Haab, whose bravery I am heartened to hear about, as I don’t read much news as it only makes me angry at the sheer stupidity or plain malicious intent there is in the world, and how successful these people are, I don’t know your stance on this but I am both furious and deeply grieved that children are being murdered under the banner of “women’s rights” whose cult of followers seem to have no other argument than “my body my choice” when in fact it is not there body, but the body of the child whose life they deem unworthy... it sickens me to hear of people like Kermit Gosnell, all the while the liberal media claiming he was “a bad egg” and an “isolated incident” when in fact it was not, and there are similar horror stories from legitimate hospitals where these murders are performed. I suppose I have gone a bit off the original topic, but I find it somewhat relieving to communicate my frustrations to someone with a similar stand-point... @TheGuyYouMightKnow
I apologize, I’m not trying to push policy, but that is exactly the kind of situation that could so easily be avoided, talking about a general subject (like a school attack) is not nearly as effective as making the person see what has happened, and how easily it could be prevented, I don’t want to use tradgedies like this to advance a political agenda, as liberals are so keen to do whenever they can make guns look like some evil entity, but people need to be convinced of this for the sake of preventing other incidents, a visceral example is the best way to grab there attention and make them see it. @TheGuyYouMightKnow
I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get one, problem is I can find them anywhere... @danman12