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I've been too scared to make this for a long time (teaser)

6,433 AV8R  7.5 years ago

Update 4:

Find it here

Here are the last pics I'll be posting in this thread. I'll be compiling a video for this build like I did for my last one, that was pretty fun.

Update 3:

Aerodynamics and performance tweaks complete!

The landing gear.... I'm sad. I spent about 6 hours building a beautiful set of landing gear (still have them backed up) but if I had wheel suspension turned on the plane would flip forward. If I turned wheel suspension off the wheel would move around on it's bearing (causing a crash on landing). After spending over an hour tweaking the wheels trying to get them to work I think I'm going to release this build without custom gear. (I'll leave the doors I guess)

Here are the latest pictures. Flight!

Update 2:

Tail finished!

Update 1:

Wing geometry finished!




WIP, but you should be able to guess what it is ;)

Working on flaps and ailerons now, next up is the tail.

Last image is my scaling insanity :P

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    6,433 AV8R

    @goboybo1 @Planefun @MeawkQ @ChaMikey @ Ctracerx2 @ TTHHSSSS @ LegnaK @Fishbowl1121 @Tully2001 @aircraftarsenal123 @t8erh8er thanks for your motivation in this thread. I updated the original post with the latest photos and the release link. I hope you enjoy!

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    @aircraftarsenal123 i was thinking the same about the details - few antennas, guns, exhaust, and a couple insignia. It lands very well! I cant wait to share it with everyone, its so much fun to fly.

    7.5 years ago
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    Yeah, I went with performance on my P-51, with not many decals. The roundel and paint jobs in the wings didn't affect performance to much, I made them weightless though. I didn't make a cockpit or special landing gear, and it turned out great. I'd suggest doing details, but not many. One thing though, Does your plane land very well? I've heard its extremely hard, and I couldn't make mine land for crap. @AV8R

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    It fliiiiies! New photos.

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    @aircraftarsenal123 What do you think I should do? My options are simple (for performance) or all-out (landing gear, decals, maybe cockpit).

    Right now it flies like a DREAM. I'm worried if I start putting decals on it it's going to develop the dreaded yaw bug.

    7.5 years ago
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    Are you going to add a paint job the picture shows, or will you keep it simple(r)

    7.5 years ago
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    Looks great, keep it up!

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    Tail finished!

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    Wing geometry finished!

    7.5 years ago
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    50.7k ChaMikey

    gahdayum, I can see how awesome this will be

    7.5 years ago
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    874 MeawkQ

    @AV8R I dont know how to read

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    @MeawkQ it is a P-51

    7.5 years ago
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    874 MeawkQ

    is it a spitfire?!?!?!

    7.5 years ago
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    6,433 AV8R

    @t8erh8er thanks! I just want to fly it, but alas so much still to do

    7.5 years ago