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Suggestions and ideas for a future update

1,432 fordzilla  8.0 years ago

Rotators that can be powered by engines. This way we can create even more realistic and better functioning vehicles. We would also need a wheel lock option so it's purely powered by the rotator. Another thing, allow a wheel to connect to multiple engines, And adjustable torque. Thank you for reading. Would be very happy to see any of these in game some day

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    1,432 fordzilla

    @MaximusTheMinimus I like it with VTOL, it takes too long to brake with it on throttle

    7.9 years ago
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    you can set the input to throttle.

    7.9 years ago
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    @CaesiciusPlanes brake force is modifiable in the xml (for resizeable wheels only)

    8.0 years ago