On my craft I have set the Parachutes to activation 8, so when you press 8 they deploy but at the moment they deploy as soon as I enter the runway??? Help???
On my craft I have set the Parachutes to activation 8, so when you press 8 they deploy but at the moment they deploy as soon as I enter the runway??? Help???
I actually only realized that after i weaponised the vertigo which was after an entire week of dying of pain on how to attach a damn cleaver on to the wing
Np, it's actually pretty useful sometimes tho@
P.S. auto correct in its infinite wisdom, changed actually to culturally... :P
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing You clearly have more knowledge then I do, what a pointless activation. Thanks
It will auto activate anything that is on it
AG 8 is on by default