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The Clichés of SP

162k spefyjerbf  8.0 years ago

Clichés... they are the annoying, overused topics that tend to appear on the forums.

For a while now I have wanted to make quite a few forum posts about varying topics that seem to appear periodically in the forums. Yes, these are the kind of things that a user creates a forum post on, and then gets (politely) blasted in the comments. Note that I am going to approach these in an analytical fashion, but my writing style will not be its usual monotone style. Some statements may sting. Don't take them personally. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular.

For an overview, I am going to give my thoughts on the annoyingly popular topics of:

  • Points/upvotes/user ranks
  • The quality and quantity model
  • The "good old days" of SP (includes "I have been here for so long, and I'm not plat yet?!?!?!?")
  • Good models vs flight characteristics (the age old, "this is SIMPLE planes".)
  • XML (everyone's favorite scapegoat)
  • Device differences
  • SimpleDeath and Rebuttals (SP is dying!!?)
  • Community Drama

IMPORTANT: Note that these broad topics will be bold and blue. They will be split into subsections that take the form of italisized statements that I respond to.

Points, Upvotes, and Ranks

Ooh, this is the hot topic, where people tend to argue about a number next to their names as if it is some sort of social issue. Forgive me if this section is a little stale. All that can be said, has been said numerous times in a myriad of forum posts. The topics that come as a result of this section (hint: every other blue, bold section) are a better read.

Bronzes and silvers get ignored.

  • A bronze that creates a gold-quality build will gain a substantially larger upvote count than a standard gold user. This is due to the spotlight function.
  • Still, due to the newest section's size, some builds may be hit-or-miss, and new users have yet to build a follower base.

The platinum elite is established, and there is no room for other players to get noticed.

  • I thought this when I was silver.... enough said. This statement is ill-informed, and many players continue to gain popularity at unprecedented rates.
  • The size of SP's website makes it ideal for rising through the ranks.
  • I will add, though, that a few platinum players really don't deserve all of their attention. Low quality that is backed by a huge follower base. No, I won't name anyone.

Upvotes are just useless internet points, and they should be removed... or at least not cared about.

  • To some people, upvotes are an indication of how much the community likes their creations.
  • Intrinsic motivation is great, but extrinsic motivation can be nice too. Only being motivated by upvotes is problematic, but being disappointed by having an upvote drought is normal.
  • Someone caring about likes on a creation that took them a few hours to make is less sad than someone caring about likes on their grammatically incorrect Facebook status that took them a few seconds to update.

The Quality and Quantity Model

The age old conflict between spam and masterpiece. I'll keep this one short and... simple.

Most players just spam planes to get points.

  • Quantity works, but you need some quality too. Spamming trashy planes won't get you anywhere. Spamming mediocre planes will.
  • Most high level users did use the quantity model to get to where they are. Myself included, as I produced daily builds for a while. I was still proud of them. They weren't very detailed though.

The Good ol' Days and the Bad Kind of Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a great thing, especially in SP. Thinking back on how you created planes in your early days, with various old parts is fun. But sometimes reflection on the past can take a turn into the dark, and that's what this section is all about.

No one is nice anymore, the community was so much nicer a few years ago.

  • No, the community has just grown from a small country town to a sizable city. That isn't a bad thing. It's perfectly natural, and keeps food on the dev's plates.
  • Now you just have to put a little effort into finding nice people.

I have been here for [X amount] years, and I am only [Y rank]. This is why the community is broken.

  • If you have been here longer than most players, you only have yourself to blame for not being on the top. You should know all the little tricks in the editor that most players use.
  • This is selfish thinking. Simple loitering for a few years doesn't get you points.

People's builds have changed, and I wish that people would build like they did two years ago.

  • If you had two years to adapt to changes in the community's expectations, and still failed to adapt while complaining on the forums, you only have yourself to blame for this.
  • You have had a few years to learn how to use the airplane editor.

Good Models vs. Good Flight Characteristics

Our creations continue to look better and better. Those who have trouble keeping up with this growth may display these standard statements.

Detail is what ruined the community. People should stop detailing their planes.

  • Detail really isn't needed to make a successful creation.
  • Asking people to stop using detail is equivalent to asking them to put less effort into their creations. That is, quite frankly, stupid.

People care more about models now than realistic flight characteristics.

  • Your blocky planes don't have realistic flight characteristics.
  • If you are basing your decision to download something based on three screenshots, then of course you will go for the pretty screenshots.

Why are planes so complex now? This is supposed to be SIMPLE planes!

  • It still is simple planes. The physics is simplified.
  • People use this statement so much that it means nothing now.


Everyone's favorite scapegoat. When a complex build is made, people just say that it was made with XML, and apparently, XML parts aren't pure enough for many users' approval.

All users just XML to get cool looking planes. They displace other people.

  • Easier said than done. Plus part shapes cannot be changed by much.
  • People that say this do not know what XML can do. Good shapes and models are mostly made using the various common tricks in the editor. XML just does some niche functions that aren't as useful as you might think.
  • A few users add that they don't use any modded parts in their planes as a bonus to their expertise. They get more upvotes for this.

I cannot learn XML, therefore I cannot rise through the ranks.

  • Download the fine tuner mod and overload mod to XML without any experience.
  • I'll let you in on a little secret. I don't even know how to open a .xml file. I only use overload and fine tuner.
  • I downloaded fine tuner when I was at 21k points, and downloaded overload when I was at about 30k.

Device Differences

Not all devices are created equal. However, people tend to inflate this.

iOS has no way to create good builds.

  • iOS just has a harder time building, which is why I find iOS building fun.
  • iOS can still produce great creations, even with its limitations. It just requires decent knowledge of the airplane editor.

SimpleDeath and Rebuttals

The ragged man (or woman) with the sign, howling about the impending apocalypse is a common sight in the forums.

SP is dying because [insert reason here]

  • Websites experience cycles of activity and inactivity. A cough doesn't mean someone is terminally ill.
  • This is overused, and doesn't mean anything. These forum posts are annoying.

SP isn't dying!

  • The common rebuttal full of cliches is a common sight in the forums. It's harmless, but annoying.

Community Drama

The SP community is relatively devoid of drama. This starves some people of the keyboard war that they crave.

Drama is stupid.

  • Yes. It also entertains some people who have nothing important to do.

STOP THE DRAMA, it's making us look bad!

  • These forum posts are annoying. Harmless, but annoying.
  • If you think some little squabbles between two players qualifies as Drama, please refrain from using most forms of social media.

Phwew! That took a while to write. I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Please keep it civil in the comments.

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    162k spefyjerbf

    @JangoTheMango I suppose. There are a lot of kids here, too, so I guess it's best to be patient with the site.

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @JangoTheMango Thank you. I posted this when the community was a little more chaotic than now. I'm not great at writing, but I somehow wrote this quite well.

    7.0 years ago
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    13.9k Fjorge

    How to open an XML file:
    1. Open file explorer
    2. go to C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\AircraftDesigns
    3. find the plane you are looking for in the files (has to be saved)
    4. open it with notepad

    This is useful for editing paint (unless there is a way I don't know about in overload)

    7.6 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @Shmexysmpilot Thanks, and yes. iOS builds are really satisfying when they look good. I like to compare building on iOS to a strategy game, since every detail or shape is made with plenty of planning and thinking.

    8.0 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    I'll be honest, I was not expecting legitimate truthful arguments, but you hit the nail on the head in a way that's not directly insulting half the user base. I can definitely advocate for the device thing. On iOS, sifting through countless creations to steal various parts, utilizing fuselage blocks as a makeshift nudge tool, and hand making details out of 1/8 fuselage blocks was a colossal pain in the rear, but you better bet I was proud of what I had made. Materialistically, iOS vs PC isn't equal but games are supposed to be fun, and i enjoyed iOS regardless of the drawbacks

    +1 8.0 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    Good opinion, you should be a journalist of sorts! XD

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @ReischetzFokke Heh, not many bronzes browse the forums. But yeah, iOS can create some great builds. The person doing the building had to be a little more clever than the PC user to create something awesome.

    +1 8.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @Viperfox I haven't been able to play too mucheap lately but I'm sure I could help

    8.0 years ago
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    12.6k Ian1231100

    @EliteIndustries1 You mean WebMD.

    8.0 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan yeah im pretty sure iOS can actually handle alot of parts with toned down graphics! They don't have much running in the background like android!

    8.0 years ago
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    50.7k ChaMikey

    Great post, I agree with every part of it.

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @bjac0 Noice

    8.0 years ago
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    57.5k bjac0
    8.0 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Yeah. iOS is a easy way to build creations (minus inability to nudge) because of the touch screen feature. And fun. Surprisingly, if you notch down the graphics, you can handle builds with 1,400+ parts.

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @BirdOfSteel Plus iOS is fun to build on, because every part is placed strategically.

    [EDIT]: every part on an iOS creation must be placed strategically to give the plane a desired shape. Without nudging, building becomes a puzzle.

    8.0 years ago
  • Profile image

    This is really hitting the nail, And it's needed, Seriously well put! And that you took the time to make this as well as with your responses, Though, i Honestly feel as if

    this is what makes up the community

    8.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Kudos to you for putting this together, very well said.
    And may I add onto the "Good Models vs. Good Flight Characteristics - It's supposed to be SIMPLEplanes'" part by saying that the reason it is so complex to build detailed creations is because the parts we have are so simple, hence SIMPLEplanes

    8.0 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    i think its better to build on android/ios because of the touchscreen it makes things alot easier but but making some small details or nudging things together is a pain without finetuner/overload....wait did i said that loud? I mean THE COMMUNITY IS DEAD EVERYONE IS UNFAIR PLAT USERS THINK THAT THEY ARE BETTER (Insert more random words of crying people behind they`er Pc/Phone im to lazy for it) xD

    8.0 years ago
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    @EliteIndustries1 idk I'm thinking it's alright I don't think there is much different between iOS (besides the mod and 700/800 part limit) and computers

    8.0 years ago
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    And I agree that building on iOS is a challenge but doable, i used it for a solid year before I upgraded to PC

    8.0 years ago
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    "The keyboard war" hahaha perfect!

    8.0 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @Tully2001 Unfortunately the downvote would get abused.

    8.0 years ago