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my First Push-Rod suspension car

23.4k marcox43  7.8 years ago

as I said, im about to release my first ever car fitted with a push rod suspension, It still needs some development, wich will be upgraded in a second iterarion of the suspension, but for now, im focusing on making a Formula 1 racing car with the Push-rod suspension, capable of reaching speeds of up to 300mph, it has only one stock engine, about 1086 drag points(my lowest drag ever achieved in a car) wheights about 2300lbs and has a faster acceleration than my Comet GTR 600. Btw, this car fully maded of stock parts, so its tournament suitable, by now my part count is about 75 parts, but im having some issues with the steering, as im trying to make it AI suitable, but AI seems to not understand when to turn and when to not, so it gets stamped on the wall pretty quickly. on human hands its pretty easy to use, as you can brake properly without spinning or understeering.