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How high can you fly?

139 Pokevlogs  7.8 years ago

The title says it all

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    you know its getting too boring to figured out how high the map was, I spend my 1 hour flying straight up 90° just to figure out how high and my PC gets lagg and the altitude wasnt stop increasing like I am 150 000 000+ above sea level, so if someone could figure out how high. please tell us

    6.5 years ago
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    i say use expolosions to launch yourself up... :)

    +1 7.8 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Using the t232 hyperdrive with the wings and fuel block provided = very high very quickly so it's safe to say the limit is when it starts to lag or you get bored

    +1 7.8 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Depends on 5 things how powerful the engines are.
    how much fuel you have.
    How well the plane flies
    How fast the plane can go
    And finally how much time do you want to waste going up

    +1 7.8 years ago
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    As @AstleyIndustries pointed out, there's nothing preventing you from going as high as you want. That said, above 90,000 feet the air gets quite thin. Wings don't provide lift, controls surfaces like ailerons and rudders stop being effective. Consider using RCN nozzles, thrust vectoring or weight shifting if you want to be able to steer at great heights.

    7.8 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Ian1231100 6' ~v~

    7.8 years ago
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    12.6k Ian1231100

    Well, how HIGH are you?

    7.8 years ago
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    Thereotically infinite
    Note: the altimeter counts up to 2^31 or 2147483648

    7.8 years ago
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    139 Pokevlogs

    Oh, because I got to 30,000,000, but I think my game glitched

    7.8 years ago
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    146k Feanor

    For propeller aircraft, I flew up to 105,000 feet before I got bored
    For jet aircraft, I flew up to around 150,000 feet before I stalled and dove down to 30,000 feet
    For rockets, I flew up to around 2,000,000 feet.

    7.8 years ago