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I need tips!

9,199 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing  7.9 years ago

On how to make my plans fly better. Be more balanced, agile, and otherwise improved. I have mostly tried to make my planes look better (and failed miserably at times, just look at some of my posts lol) than they fly, I would like to change this, and will be trying to make a super agile plane soon. I just reached silver, and think I should step up my plane game.

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    429 Mrkumqaut

    One sort of recommendation in general is if you want your plane to be agile and stable, you shouldn't only fiddle with weight and control surfaces, but also the actual wings and stabilizers.

    7.9 years ago
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    That would be bad @doge :P

    7.9 years ago
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    13.3k doge

    1 it can't be to agile because you will run out of speed and fallout of the sky

    7.9 years ago