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can some one make me 3 things pls

343 Leon83838  7.8 years ago

could you make me a mega powafull rocket

and a block that dont have any weihgt
and car whells that keep my car in a strate line

please and thankyou

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    343 Leon83838

    Thanks for letting me know that's a big help@landspeedcreator

    7.8 years ago
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    This is all very possible. Can make blocks weightless they will just stay were ever you put them though r9cket engine is possible will take a while to build and the wheels are really easy to make

    7.8 years ago
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    1. Legit rocket engines don't exist in SP. A power-modded engine is an alternative
    2. Possible with massScale
    3. Make sure your car is symmetrical. Use FWD or RWD powered wheel layout if not building offroad cars
    7.8 years ago
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    none of this is possible, the block with no weight is sorta possible, but it will still have weight

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS


    7.8 years ago
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    Is this a joke... Orrr?

    7.8 years ago