I will appreciate a lot, if someone can explain me how to put pics in my texts (i.e. aircraft descriptions, forum text or biography text). I have seen a lot of users having pics on their texts and I wanna proceed with that for a project Im working currently at.
Thank you all in advance.
@Dimkal How about other links like to someone's planes? is it like this !(?)[http//www.simpleplanes.com]
!(Hello i am not even dkww)[simpleplanes.com]
@enzoBoeing757 then u will do it a clickable text
@Dimkal what if i put something there? !(Hello i am Boeing7575757)[ ]?
@enzoBoeing757 nothing bro....just !()[pic link]
@Dimkal what goes in the ()?
@enzoBoeing757 same procedure....copy the image link and paste it in this format: !( )[pic link goes here]
@FearlessFabEngineering on android, how?
@FearlessFabEngineering didn't work
@EliteVox Thank u my friend for ur help but this question has been posed almost a year ago. I have figured it out.
On windows you would do the same, and on IOS you would just go into photos and click the box with the arrow pointing out the top and click copy.
@Dimkal put it online, then into a forum post
@FearlessFabEngineering OK, but what if I wanna put an image from my gallery. not one which is online....
For example, search "F/A-18 Hornet" on google, and click on any of the pictures. Then,
On IOS, press and hold on the pic and you'll get the options "save image" and "copy". Click copy, then go into your forum post, click twice where you want to paste it, and click "paste"
On Windows, hold your mouse over the pic and right click. You'll get a menu with several different options, press on "copy". Then, go into your forum post and right click again, and click "paste"
Remember, what you copy goes in this format: !( )[ ]
@MechWARRIOR57 Ok, understood. What about creating a topic here and I wanna add an image?
@FearlessFabEngineering Where should I copy initially the pic? I cant get a paste option here. What Im doing wrong?
you cant put it in the aircraft desc
First, copy a pic and you will get a code with ".png or .jpg" at the end. Then write "!( )[.jpg/.png code]