5,364 SimonGlaser

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joined 7.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

Not active

Something about me:
-The Simpleplanes website told me to NOT put my real name in the description, so I put it as my username
-I live in Germany
-I am 21 years old
-I like old planes, for example from the ww2 era
-My favorite planes are the North American B-25J Mitchell and
the well known Messerschmitt BF-109

My favourite planes

By the way, you can click on the pictures

Something about SG Aviation:
-We build cars, boats and tanks. But what we build most is airplanes. There are some different types, for example the bombers (SG B-20), the fighters (SG F-86 Stuka), the cargoplanes (SG C-105), the planes for civil people or freetime (SG S-1), the others or multi-use-planes (SG O-15) and then we build some other stuff like the (Magic Plane).

Current Projekts:

SG (I have no name for it)


SG 5/13
Not ready, is just getting built.

SG F-163 Blobfisch
Not ready, is just getting built

SG B-60 Steel Kite
Not ready, landing gear and detailled cockpit

SG B-82
Not ready, only the detailled cockpit is missing

SG F-101
Not ready, only the cockpit is missing

SG F-11
Not ready, some small fixs and the detailled cockpit is missing

SG F-35
Ready, just to lazy to upload it

SG F-86
Not Ready, landing gear and other fixes

SG O-15
Not ready, detailled cockpit is missing

SG S-35
Ready, im just to lazy to upload it

SG S-65
Not ready, is just getting built

Friends on Simple Planes:
-My little brother :)

Helpful things:
How to slap the Kraken (maybe)
XML Inputs
Another XML
How to put pictures in the description
Funky Trees


Here are some of my unfinished projects, maybe you can finish them:
SG 6400
SG 3200

Have a nice day! 😎