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why does my plane rol over to the left/right?

10.1k Milo1628xa  7.6 years ago

i have sometimes that when i make a plane, it keeps rolling to the left or right without anything wrong with the plane ( center of thrust in middle, center of lift in the middle and behind center of mass, center of mass in middle) can anyone help me with this issue? thnx.

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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @SMILEE yes i ment that haha, i always make my own custom cockpits, but thanks regardless :D

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    30 SMILEE

    @Milo1628xa no problem buddy, but don't forget it's the cockpit part, not the whole cockpit

    2.5 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @SMILEE i never had any issues with my plane rolling due to what size i made my cockpit, so if this happens now, thanks for letting me know :D

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    30 SMILEE

    hey man, a while ago I found out that this happens because of the size of the cockpit, the cockpit part itself, if you increase its size your plane will probably be stable

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    Thanks I’ll check that right now @Milo1628xa

    2.8 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @Soardivision160th 9 out of 10 times it's the attachment points, you gotta make sure those are all the same all around the craft... (if possible) and if that won't work i check out the drag for each part and just turn off the drag for symmetrical parts with different drag points

    2.8 years ago
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    I don’t know if you figured this out, my homeland security helicopter, using rotor blades that have vtol nozzles attached to them, and the rotors tilt by rotators, yet It wants to fly to the right, everything is symmetrical, I have to fly to the left to fly straight I’m looking all over for help.

    I don’t want to get rid of the rotor blades because I have more control over the chopper and it’s more realistic.

    2.8 years ago
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    Its cuz ur pressing d/a, lol

    4.3 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @ChiChiWerx, ive seen this attachment issue many times, but never looked at rolling motions causing it, ill keep an look out on it, ty for your help.

    7.5 years ago
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    30.3k ChiChiWerx

    None of what's below is correct; I build many aircraft which are slightly asymmetrical (i.e., cannon or refueling probe on one side but not the other). The primary reason why this happens is that when you place fuselage blocks on one wing (to add details or to "build up" the wing into a realistic profile), then nudge and mirror, the mirroring spawns a new fuselage piece onto the other wing, but not necessarily attached to the opposite attachment point. It usually picks the closest attachment point to the new position, while the original side stays attached to the original attachment point. This often creates a significant rolling motion. The only way to cure this is to detach everything off the wings and then to manually reattach everything, taking the time to ensure everything is attached symmetrically. It actually sounds a lot more difficult than it actually is. If you want to read more about this, here's a link. If you have further questions, let me know.

    +7 7.5 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @randomusername ty for your help, this has been bugging me for a long time so ty.

    7.5 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    i now have a feeling that it has to do with things that stick out of the plane like weapons but im not sure.

    7.6 years ago
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    10.1k Milo1628xa

    @jamesPLANESii the airfoils on all the wings r the same and the wings r all mirrored to eachother

    7.6 years ago
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    Centre of lift off centre? One of the wings has a different aerofoil to the one on the other side?

    7.6 years ago