10.1k Milo1628xa

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joined 8.2 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hello there! My name is Milo and I'm a proud creator of mostly small but also life-sized vehicles.

I started playing as a mobile user and overtime switched over to different devices to create my designs. Such include:

  • Ipad Mini 4
  • Lenovo Laptop (School)
  • Samsung Galaxy S10e
  • Samsung Galaxy S22
  • Lenovo Legion 5

I've been on and off on the game in the past depending on how far my creativity would get me to create something at that moment. Nowadays I tend to play less due to me deciding to become an Aerospace Engineer and school is where I can focus on Airplanes as well.

Go ahead and look through the vast pages of vehicles i've created over the years. Enjoy :D