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ESP1, Jundroo Map War, New leaders!

6,368 KDS  7.8 years ago

(Quick note, due to all the changes made inside the RP, i’m just restarting the seasons and everything, making it all clearer as this RP needs refreshing.)

March 16th, 3037


Because of global warming getting so bad, the polar caps melted and flooded most of the world, causing all the nations to die. Forcing new nations to form. After a swift rebuild of humanity. New countries have emerged and use advanced technology for defense, altho due to high costs, WW1-WW2 tech was re-introduced to warfare and military for it being cheap and powerful.
The countries Bandit and GRA have elected new, controversial leaders. The two nations have begun acting more aggressive toward each other, starting a cold war. With the freezing GRA trade, immigrants, putting all tourists/unregistered immigrants in labor camps, and arresting most GRA immigrants by the Bandit government. The GRA has renamed themselves “The Empire”, arrested their previous leader for speaking freely, arresting all people of bandit decent weather they were immigrated there or not, denying anyone from bandit to leave their territory, arresting anyone acting suspicious, and placing a curfew.
As the aggressiveness between the two nations picks up, nations watch and wait in the calm before the storm, waiting for the hurricane to arrive. The other nations have begun building their strength, watching the dangerous situation carefully as Bandit and The Empire begin releasing propaganda of each other. TBD…


Bandit (Krakabola),?The Empire (GRA),?F.F.W.I (Wright),
Paternain Republic,
Sidus (Snowstone),
United Aerospace Engineering (U.A.E),
SP Engineering CO.

Final Note:

A we spent some time working on this RP, now we finally managed to get a new episode out, sorry for the wait. For those unfamiliar to the Jundroo Map War RP, it’s a discord RP.
Here’s the discord invite link. click

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    SPEngineering Changed To RSPEngineering

    1.6 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    idk about Britlin. I left the RP, but ok.

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    BOO! :P @ESIOTROT121

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    This RP kinda died and this was a failed attempt to revive it. But go ahead, i'm just not in this anymore. @1gman4evr

    7.8 years ago
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    1,694 1gman4evr

    @KDS Can I make a nation?

    7.8 years ago
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    Oops, sry, didn't see that

    7.8 years ago
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    23.4k marcox43

    sooo, now I can know what tech to use. well that means my Me 262 will be easy and cheap to mantain, F7f will be of good use in recon missions and long range precise bombing missions(plus its a heavy fighter). my jets will se limited use due to the massive fuel consumption they have xdd. Panthers will see a new life here yay!..but they are quite expensive to mantain due the high quality alloys used.

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    I did. Read closely. @Supercraft888

    7.8 years ago
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    Can you change Say the GRA has rebranded itself as the Empire?

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    Yep, mixed with WW1-2 tech as well. @Botfinder

    7.8 years ago
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    6,368 KDS

    I rolled a dice to decide the timeframe. It landed on 2037 so that's what I went with. @Supercraft888

    7.8 years ago
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    it's been a long time...

    7.8 years ago