I built a B2 Jet Bomber but the problem is if I turn the engine on and try to lift up the whole aircraft spins around not horizontal but the other way round. It suddelny pulls the nose upe and spins around.
A further thing is I installed the nuke mod with the cyclone shaped nukes but cant attach them to weapon holders.
Can aynone help pls?
@MaximusTheMinimus Uploaded it. Did u fixed it?
I even dont know what CoM and CoL is lol sry im German.
Sure I will upload it. I call it BH20 Bomber Ninetales
Yes, what Astley said. Try adding more weight to the front of the aircraft, or sweep the wings further back.
The CoM must be in front of and far enough from the CoL
Upload it was unlisted, and I'll fix it!