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Bug in Tournament Validator Mod

2,662 EarthwormJim  7.6 years ago

The mod sometimes gives a "Part scale did not pass validation" when there's a scale="1,1,1" in part properties, though it's not scaled

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    @EarthwormJim okay, thanks!

    7.5 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @AndrewGarrison My submission for Daredevil. It's cleared from scale property, set the 'No Collisions' of some part with Overload to true or false, save it & check it with the validator

    7.5 years ago
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    @EarthwormJim Can you give me a link to a plane that has this issue? Thanks!

    7.5 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @AstleyIndustries The thing is that I didn't use Overload when got this validation bug

    7.6 years ago
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    When scaling parts with overload, there is a strange bug where you sometimes get a value that is 0.(a few zeroes)2 lower than what you input. You can see it when opening the UI again. I assume that Tournament Validator is hard-coded to check for the exact value of 1,1,1, not sure whether the website's validator works that way too

    7.6 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @AndrewGarrison Yep, already removing it manually

    Anyway it's plausible some people to start offseting the CoM for Daredevil tourney. It's useless to say using it allows us to build an almost perfect ballistic missile for fun and ruins it in the tournaments, so probably if it's allowed then and massScale should be allowed too :) I assume the current number of exploits are found with help of multiple accounts which have submissions with forbidden XML-modded parts

    7.6 years ago
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    Your best bet is to manually remove the scale="x,y,z" attribute from the part in the XML. I'll look into this for our next update to see if we can fix it.

    7.6 years ago