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Under the Wrong Mindset - Hiatus Announcement

162k spefyjerbf  7.7 years ago

For the past few weeks I have had the wrong mindset when playing SP. Specifically, the motivation of points overshadowed my love for building. It is indeed a maladaptive motivation, so therefore, I will take a short hiatus from SP.

This means that I won't be uploading for some time, and that rewards for the weapon design challenge will probably be delayed. I will still have my usual activity on the site, minus any forum posts.

My internal motivation for creation will inevitably return, and that hunger for, well, fake internet points will fade. Therefore, I will return soon, probably with some of the best designs that I will ever create.

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    @spefyjerbf Agreed.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @ThomasRoderick Definitely inspired by star citizen. Some of those ships look really, really good.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf Yeah, I guess the pages upon pages of coding can't really be invented in a day, I guess... Nor does the mind-boggling amount of parts needed for the streamlined hull. Also, for some reason the aesthetics of the Orbid Dynamics L-class gunship looks oddly familiar, is it something from Star Citizen or is it just a streamlined GOF II Terran Cormorant? I cannot tell.

    4.8 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @ThomasRoderick Feels good to hear that! I can be a harsh self-critic at times, but it helps me improve. If I remember right, I was pumping out builds daily (or something close to that) before this forum post. Spacing things out by a week or so let me really focus on the concept and functionality of the build. Orbidyn-L, for example, would be impossible to design in a day.
    I also had too much free time back then lol. But hey, I got a lot of internet points out of it.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    Mr. Stark, is that you?
    Yes I'm making an Iron Man 3 reference. About the "obsession" part.
    Also, I guess for an eternal noob like me, I never knew if you have ever released a sub-optimal design... Like, I mean, the design of each and every one of your builds are already way beyond me so that I never saw if there was a slight drop in quality for a few builds or not.

    4.8 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @Tully2001 It does. Whenever I take a break (usually for family reasons), I come back with great ideas.

    +1 7.7 years ago
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    @MechWARRIOR57 I build what I am interested in.

    7.7 years ago
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    a little trick is that you should make a tree, like you select what kind of vehicle, aircraft, boat, car, etc. then you select if its military or not, and you go on and on until you think of something @jamesPLANESii

    7.7 years ago
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    Yeah I'm kinda the same. I don't really have enough time on my computer lately (because my mum added a few stupid rules that limits me to just over an hour a day) so I don't really have enough ideas on what to build...

    7.7 years ago
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    @spefyjerbf glad to hear that m8

    7.7 years ago
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    162k spefyjerbf

    @EternalDarkness Definitely.

    7.7 years ago
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    So, we can hope for better quality again, as well as more diversity?

    +1 7.7 years ago