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14.1k DandruffCat  7.7 years ago

Incase you were wondering where my activity has gone, it's still here, just not much of it.

I recently got a job at my local airport for washing planes. That's where I've been for a while. However, some of you also know I'm working on getting my Private Pilot's license. So what I did was joined a club which owns a Cessna 150 K and they charge training for dirt cheap! (which is good, since the average price to get a license is around $8000 total!)

So, I haven't forgot about you! I'm working on a plane actually. It's their Cessna! Since I spend so much time with it, I'm trying to make the SimplePlanes version as realistic as possible.

Here it is!


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    14.1k DandruffCat

    @Liquidfox Thanks! You can fly no matter your eyesight, as long as it's resolved with contacts or glasses, so go fight for your rights!

    7.7 years ago
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    14.1k DandruffCat

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing That's what I may be doing

    7.7 years ago
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    14.1k DandruffCat

    @jamesPLANESii A private company gave it to me. They're a charter/flight school business based in another city. I only wash the small stuff but I'm sure one of their jets will come in someday!

    7.7 years ago
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    Lol, I have a friend who will be able to (legally) fly a plane before he can drive a car... I feel so insignificant...

    7.7 years ago
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    OMG washing planes is a job? I WANT ONE FOR MY PILOTS LICENSE FUNDING!!!!!

    7.7 years ago