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TEST PILOTS WANTED (Safety not warranted)

13.7k OrionAstronaut  7.7 years ago

Welcome gentlemen, before reading this please check if you are astronaut qualified here:


lol JK

Ahem! If you are still here then you are dum- I mean brave enough to test my new creation, an experimental space transportation system that resembles the shuttle. Here are the Instructions (link at the bottom)

To launch said spacecraft requires skill and timing. BTW Launching in the cockpit view will be more immersive.
-To launch press L for slow motion
-Then start throttling up and immediately press 3!! ( Failure to follow this step will result in death, and Orion Aerospace will not be responsible)

It is important not to touch the controls AT ALL during launch.
- once you took off just deactivate L to go normal speed and enjoy the ride!

Disclaimer: Do not feed the- I mean do not worry about the trajectory, if you don't touch your controls you will be in space in no time!

Orbit OPS
-once you reached an altitude above 300,000 feet you will have basically entered space and you can deploy your own satellite. To do this just move the VTOL slider down all the way and press 2. This will poop the satellite out of the shuttle.

Reentry and landing

once you break 1 million feet coming down reset the VTOL slider to its nominal position and wait. Once you get to around 200,000-180,000 feet the plane will start wobbling and start getting affected by the atmosphere. When this starts happening press 4 to decelerate (Failure to do this will kill you). Wait until the speed is at 1000 mph to cut the chutes. From here you can maneuver for a safe landing on land or in the ocean thanks to our flotation device. If you find land belly land on it.

Emergency Procedures

If you find you lost control of the orbiter press 1 and wait for the main cabin to separate from the rest of the ship. Then press 5 to activate the parachute.