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SimplePlanes Masters, Reminder of our goals

247k EternalDarkness  7.7 years ago

The information has came to us that a certain group on Discord is talking bad stuff about us. We would like to make this clear.

1: Purpose of SimplePlanes Masters chat is:
- for serious users who invest themselves into every build to have a place to talk to each other without interferences;
-for users who are not investing themselves into their builds to have something to strive for, something to keep them going.

2: Not everyone is accepted into the SimplePlanes Masters group because:

-they don’t invest themselves into their builds;

-they are toxic, and would ruin the fun for the rest of us;

-they are not a kind of person we think would fit in (too noisy, quiet, too young, not trust-worthy (we share private informations with each other often))

-someone on the chat has a standing argument with a user, and adding said user would cause arguments.

3: I can’t just let you in, nor can any member of the group. Even if I consider you a friend, we all vote to accept or reject a user. Everyone votes on his personal assessment, based on his own parameters.

4:We are a democracy. Nobody has more or less rights on the chat. We are also not biased in the community. We have site moderators and a developer in the group, yet they don't have any privileges there, and we don't have any here.

We are not here to make you feel bad. We appreciate all of you, except the toxic ones.

We are a part of this community for a long time, we like it here, we enjoy this game just like you do, and we don’t consider ourselves better humans than you are. We do hold our building skills in high regard, but that’s not all one needs in order to be on the chat.

Sincerely, members of the SimplePlanes Masters group

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    55.4k Beefy

    @RapzPlane ayy

    7.3 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    1. Designing is the first part of building (of course). You have to build it.
    2. Can you? The only thing you lack is aesthetics. Look at my last two planes (and possibly my bio) and see how you do wing art.
    3. Work hard to earn this goal. Might as well get a little help on the way.
    4. By help, it means you have to ask for assistance with small problems. You solve the big ones. Your design, your challenge.

    Hope this helps.

    PS. Are you a Filipino? Your punctuation usage seems like it.

    7.3 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    @RapzPlane your experience m8. Do you have any useful tricks up your sleeve?

    7.3 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    I was not aware when I made the comment below, It is my wish to be invited, but I am aware it isn't my choice. @Tully2001

    7.4 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    How do I join?

    7.5 years ago
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    104k Dllama4

    Ok @ChaMikey

    7.6 years ago
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    50.7k ChaMikey

    psst. hail hydra.

    7.6 years ago
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    14.4k BirdOfSteel

    I really like the idea ^^

    7.7 years ago
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    @Johawks1976 high skill. Level has nothing to do with it. Also, not a role play. An off-topic chat.

    7.7 years ago
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    5,677 Johawks1976

    Oh so that's what the master chat was All this time it was just a kinda role playing thing for high level people

    7.7 years ago
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    @CALVIN232 here

    7.7 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    Great idea but where's do I join builders?@EternalDarkness

    7.7 years ago
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    @CALVIN232 eh, you could use a few punctuation marks in that wall of text. I barely read it. Anyway, we take good guys, active on the site, friendly to other users, building very nice things, and being here for a while. Since we vote for new members, there are many that I would add, but others vote against them, so not all who match what I said get in. We help iOS users on the site when we have the time, and when the build is interesting to us. There's no rule about it. For now, I would recommend joining SP Builders group on Discord. Most of the active users from Masters are there, as well as many other great guys. I currently hang out there more than on Masters.

    7.7 years ago
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    9,437 CALVIN232

    @Viperfox a little harsh
    @EternalDarkness what exactly do your group call a good candidate? I'm a good builder myself I may not spend 100s of pounds on the game but I do spent a lot of my time on my builds I don't like to have to go back to them because they weren't done right well the only times are when getting new part ether though updates or people I've asked ether way I'm still very confused as the who really does get in? Platinum players? Or can the odd gold or sliver join because you meantion helping ios players something of which I am so this group could be useful and if I'm not able to join your group is there one who I can because I don't really get much help now I put requests out mouths later I'm still waiting luckily I got other projects that require less parts tbh the hardest part is finding people to get you the part sometimes it's how you describe it other times it's that people I think assume as I'm gold I'm independent and don't need them but the thing is I do

    7.7 years ago
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    @Viperfox eh... you didn't read quite well, did you? What we said is exactly the opposite of what you are saying. We are just guys who are good at this, and who don't behave like you do. "Masters" is just a name of the group. We support quality, and yes, we only take good builders. But being a good builder is not all it takes. Some guys are not members for dumb reasons, like talking like you did in that comment once, urging us not to add him, in order to keep our chat clean. We support other, more open groups, like "SP Builders" group ran by Dllama4, and as of recently "Underlings chat" ran by Supercraft888, both on Discord. We also support a group of users from Philippines, on Google Hangouts, which is a closed group. We are trying to help new users get better, we often help iOS users with their builds, we are trying to keep the entire community clean by keeping an eye out for stuff to pass directly to moderators, etc. I don't see what we did to deserve comments like yours.

    7.7 years ago
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    @ShatSlanger you have some very nice builds. However, guys on the chat are apparently not in a mood to add new guys. They voted against three very good users in a row in the last few weeks.

    7.7 years ago
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    Indeed, it was not my intention to cause such drama, only a group for every kind of builder. I shall keep watch over my followers to ensure that this shall not happen again, I advise you do as well

    7.7 years ago
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    @Supercraft888 apology accepted. I hope we won't have any further incidents of this kind.

    7.7 years ago
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    The group I crated was simply a parody of the "Master Builders Chat", it is no way meant to offend, or discriminate the people of the "Master Builders Chat". The original idea was to create a place for people of all skill levels a place to share their ideas, and designs and receive constructive criticism on how it can be improved. The actions posed by our members are in no way a reflection of the ideologies of the "Underlings Chat" and i formally apologize on behalf of the people who have misrepresented us, and have slandered your name.
    -Sincerely Supercraft888

    7.7 years ago
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    @SlowJet it's Toshiba, customised second hand. 8GB RAM, Intel i5 dual core processor

    7.7 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    Lek if u kri evri tem

    7.7 years ago
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    1,757 VanNate

    (Immediately wants to be platinum)

    7.7 years ago
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    @RAF1 that's not what it was originally about. You were talking some very ugly stuff about us. It saddens me to hear that you guys could have such an opinion about us without even knowing us. I am doing my best to be fair to everyone on this site, and so do most of other members of our group. And this is what we get.

    7.7 years ago
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    136k RAF1

    When I say "Have fun dealing with us" I am just saying that you are getting worked up about a group who isn't even harming you. It is purely satirical... no harm in that, right?

    7.7 years ago
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    @RAF1 you have a bit of a contradiction there, buddy. "The SP Underlings chat isn't bad and it doesn't corrupt what you have established with the Master Chat." implies that you are not intending to cause trouble. On the other hand, "Have fun dealing with us." suggests otherwise.

    I never said that all good builders are on our chat, or that anyone should feel bad about not being on it. Also, we respect and support other groups. I am in a few chats, both groups and "private", with lower ranking users, where I hang out with them, teach them my tricks, etc. I'm also a member of Dllama4's Builders Group.

    7.7 years ago
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