These are not all the things I would love to see in 1.7. As the list would be about 17 pages long, but it seems just so simple to add helicopter parts, rotors, maybe skids, that's all we really need now that we have the gyro, I know you can download bigger props, but it would be so much better just to have Heli rotors in game. Also would love to see hollow fuselage, would be so useful, and you could make better planes with lower part counts, THINK ABOUT US IOS PEASANTS PLS!!!
I have as well, but I just think it would be better if they were a part of the game @Thomasj041
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I made helicopters on iOS with sub-assemblies.
But what about players who are on iOS? And can't download things @Thomasj041 , it would just be more Connie i.e. the for everyone I think
I don't really see a need for helicopter parts when you can just make skids yourself and use large propellers.
Thanks those last four upvotes @SmileMore13 !!
Ok thanks @helilover03 !