That wasn't super crazy, not things like flight and super strength, but things like being able to hold your breath for 10 minutes at a time, or uncannily accurate with a bow and arrow, things like that, and no cheating and saying "I would have the superpower of having every superpower" :P I would have the ability to perfectly manipulate my memory, I could have perfect recall on whatever I wanted, and make myself forget other things. The last part is because I read to quickly, so I would read my favorite book series, forget it, and read it again, yay!
Np XD @OtterOfToast
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Excellent! Then add extreme pressure resistance to mine :D Thanks!
Nope @OtterOfToast
@helilover03 Noooiiiiccceee! I should have added that to mine! XD
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Is it too late to revise?
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Not much use in having a power if you don't share it! I was in Hurricane Katrina back in 2005 and I recently was enthralled by a Marine Biology class last year, and imagine what else you could do! Now, it's not without it's personal perks, too ;3
THATS A REALLY GOOD ONE!!! @helilover03
Lol, you are one of the few people to follow the rules, and the only one to not use the power for your own ends @OtterOfToast XD
Shapeshifting!! Lol yeah but not here-- uhhhhhh. . .
What aboouuuttt... So we're basically talking near super-human feats?
In that case, probably the ability to hold my breath for super long and swim incredibly well, like an otter or a dolphin or something!
That way, I could like-- head into storms and junk and rescue people! Or maybe help study marine biology!
Lol XD @Fjorge
I would like to have the ability to speed up elevators lel
Good one @Iamsilverdahedgie
Lol, nice @GT3TobyRS
I would haver telekinesis
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing yeah. If it was one that followed the rules I think it would be being great at the games I played like sp. (Not that I am not now, but just that I would be a lot better)
That's a good idea @GT3tobyRS
Nobody seems to be following that rule so... I guess Is great! I think every human being has a moment when they wish they were invisible @GT3TobyRS
Thanks you @Geoplanes !
If that is too crazy, just being able to turn invisible an back visible at will. Definitely
The superpower that people would just spontaneously give me cars (then I would like to meet Jay Leno :) )
Probably mind reading capabilities for knowing dark secrets
flying .it would be so much fun
Lol @Testin123
Noice @FlyingThings
To have the ability of turning into a puddle of slime. Imagine all the nooks and crannies I could get into