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25.8k KidKromosone  7.6 years ago

What is the big deal with detached cockpits on mobile, and why can it restrict downloads?

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    25.8k KidKromosone

    It's always pretty inconvenient having the detached cockpit and not being able to download something cool. Thx for za upvote!@tylerdeveneuxmusic

    7.5 years ago
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    25.8k KidKromosone

    Gothcha. Thanks!@MechWARRIOR57

    7.6 years ago
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    the limit for parts on mobile is 800, but quite a few devices can handle more than that, the only ways to get around it are either to make it 800 parts or less, or to detach the cockpit so that it counts as 1 block

    7.6 years ago