25.8k KidKromosone

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joined 7.9 years ago

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Player Biography  

Greetings and salutations fellow Simple Planes comrades, and welcome to my profile!

My Company

Quick Facts About Me:
•I’m from the good’ol US of A
•I’m really into cars and mechanisms
•Moving mechanical stuff is da bomb
•I really like automotive things imparticular Mercedes G-Wagons and Koenigeseggs.
JDM is pretty neat too.
•Found this game in the App Store in 2016 and much later created and account; the evening of 5/3/17
•I like art and modelling
•I also like Trigonometry
•Balsa planes are fun
•I like shooting, Kalishnikovs and
AK variants are my favorite firearm(s)
•Professional Tard Wrangler
•Proud Christian
•Airplane Engineer for Technion
•I am on iOS not any modding [rAgE]
•Extreme GIF storage...

I build lots of replicas of things that interest me. Soviet stuff of the Cold War era is my favorite, whether it be guns, tanks, planes, or vehicles it’s all pretty neat. I also really like cars and wheeled vehicles of nearly any variety.
I’m also open to taking build requests, just drop a comment one of my more recent builds and I’ll see to it :)

My SimpleRockets Account <

Alternate account<

Youtube Channel<