As the unholy antichrist that is this rises in a shroud of darkness, all bow before it in desperation with no hope of a savior and the inevitable thought of eternal torture.
Truer words have never been said @Exofalt
No matter how much you call... you can still never run from the memes... @SuperSanic
Stuff happens M8 @nfsplatinum
Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Who knows. Besides, just because I create a really stupid and ugly thing doesn't mean I need a religious figure to save me. @helilover03
make those 6 legged things into missiles or bombs, nothing can go wrong there
My god...
As the unholy antichrist that is this rises in a shroud of darkness, all bow before it in desperation with no hope of a savior and the inevitable thought of eternal torture.
Truer words have never been said @Exofalt
No matter how much you call... you can still never run from the memes... @SuperSanic
Stuff happens M8 @nfsplatinum
Ayy @BirdOfSteel
Calling 911 right now.
@DisferGoatz nah just kidding xD i wasnt able to block you there was to much confusion xD
You dont need jesus, you are right, only the flying spaghetti monster can save you now...
Yeah likely. @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
They would have a seizure and die @DisferGoatz
I wonder what would happen if the peeps at Webster actually saw this... @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
I wholeheartedly agree @DisferGoatz
Ok ok ok, I get the idea @helilover03
All this is is a JOKE.
Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Who knows. Besides, just because I create a really stupid and ugly thing doesn't mean I need a religious figure to save me. @helilover03
What.. @helilover03
Webster needs to know about this so they can replace the definition of "horrifying" with this image @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
This gives horrifying a new meaning
throws a volcano party (everyone's invited!) @Aarons123
@Awsomur joins you in volcano
Apparently, things are getting worsen
jumps into volcano
I really don't know what to say other than, what the-
@DisferGoatz that too
I need the Dank Meme Lord @PyroManiac