The troll side of me want to say nazi germany, 1944. But really I'd love to live in Soviet Union 1922-1991.
Jk, I don't mind today's time period, despite the world is a mess, I personally think it's still the best time period one can choose. (Totally not because there's computers)
I would go back to the time 6 years before john Delorean (the owner of the delorean company) would die of drugs and then tell the guy to not keep doing drugs then it will be deloreans 4 life. @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
Yeh. I could probably go on for the next few hours of world changing things that went on/happened during that time period, but eh, only if ya really wanna
Alrighty, the biggest chunk of why that time period would be where I'd wanna be at is because of the massive shift of political views in such a short time, the shift of power from many countries to one single individual, and the massive advancement of untapped technologies that flung humanity to space just two decades later
I would live in the BCE time period
Boy you have no idea how big a deal... @FlyingFanatic
I assume so @dootdootbananabus
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing was it black and white
Lol, my dad watched it on live television @dootdootbananabus
@FlyingFanatic what do you mean? It was the 1969 moon landings dang it I just spoiled it
1969 because you know what happened, just guess.
Lol nice @BaconAircraft
World War One and 2? Interesting @General360
lol @FlyingFanatic
Lol @BirdOfSteel
You the first who said the future @ThePopeOfTexas
1970-80 definitly there was thr best music xD
3000-3400... Cause
The troll side of me want to say nazi germany, 1944. But really I'd love to live in Soviet Union 1922-1991.
Jk, I don't mind today's time period, despite the world is a mess, I personally think it's still the best time period one can choose. (Totally not because there's computers)
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing hey, I love deloreans m8
Lol @UssInvincible
I would go back to the time 6 years before john Delorean (the owner of the delorean company) would die of drugs and then tell the guy to not keep doing drugs then it will be deloreans 4 life. @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing
I'd live in the now!
Good one @helilover03
Heh, alrighty. Another day then.
Lol, I'll pass @MrVaultech
Yeh. I could probably go on for the next few hours of world changing things that went on/happened during that time period, but eh, only if ya really wanna
Ahhh @MrVaultech
Alrighty, the biggest chunk of why that time period would be where I'd wanna be at is because of the massive shift of political views in such a short time, the shift of power from many countries to one single individual, and the massive advancement of untapped technologies that flung humanity to space just two decades later