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Suspension and Traction Settings in Landing Gear

4,446 Showtime  7.5 years ago

So I'm building an airplane that requires the use of custom landing gear. Everything is going swimmingly and the gear's hinges and mechanisms work great. The problem is the actual wheel settings.

I've set my traction to minimum forward and maximum lateral, and that seems fine, but the suspension keeps getting me killed on landings. The wheels bounce too much when I touch down. Unfortunately, when I have custom suspension settings, my airplane explodes as soon as it spawns.

Why is this happening and what settings can I use to have safe spawns and safe landings? Is there something I need to do in the XML to get things working?

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    I guess your gear itself is too weak
    - add more than 1 hinge or piston if you can
    - set piston parameter preventBreaking to true

    7.5 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    Ugghhh... i would have just said raise the damper and strength but if it explodes then i have no idea

    7.5 years ago