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Energy Shield suggestions

113k hpgbproductions  7.6 years ago

With part damage being tested, it's also time for Energy Shields.

Energy shields should absorb gun projectiles, rocket pods, missiles etc. but will slowly drain the fuel. Impacts can be absorbed too. Great for any sci-fi build.

Shield hitpoints is decreased every time a weapon is absorbed. Note that even if the smallest amount of hitpoints is left, it can still absorb strong attacks like bombs. This does not work against terrain or aircraft impacts; crashing still destroys the aircraft if the hitpoint value of the shield is too low.

Not allowed in race tournaments due to obvious reasons.

Some part modifier options to consider:

  • Activation Group - toggle shield on/off
  • Shield Strength - damage point capacity, affects fuel consumption
  • Base Regeneration - rate of regeneration in shield damage points, affects fuel consumption
  • Additional Regeneration - a way to speed up regeneration of shield. Increases fuel consumption. Is optional. Ability to use either no AGs or no inputs required, but not ability for both at the same time.
  • Hitbox modifier - affects fuel consumption

    • Shape - follows aircraft, ellipsoid or panel (single-direction) shapes

    • Size

  • Impact Resistance - if true, shield protects against terrain and aircraft crashes.
  • Primary Shield - the shield which damage points left will be tracked on the HUD

Shield color should be changeable with the paint tool.

Guns will get a new parameter that affects whether their projectiles pass through energy shields.

If not added into the game, maybe someone could add a mod.

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    75 BG27

    I recently did something that could be similar but I didn't try it with missiles, only with common weapons and it doesn't look pretty.

    1.2 years ago
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    Something on the lines of this but more detailed

    2.3 years ago
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    2.3 years ago
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    I was wondering how to do this and you can do it with a ton of guns but it isn't see-through, and glass just looks weird and is hard to store. I imagine you could make the shields on a borg cube since it's just a cube, but you might as well just make the cube indestructible at that point

    4.0 years ago
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    I can only make bullets converted from light making it hard light tech

    6.1 years ago
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    @Oski actually not a bad idea but the car engine would add more weight and it still uses fuel over time but might be efficient. I'm not sure

    7.0 years ago
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    Why not just let the shield generator have its own health? And let it use fuel to recharge the things which is progressively fixing the shield generator? It would mean you'd have to stay away from gunfire to repair and removes the possibility of crashing over cause you wanted some protection and it'll be ruined cause without mods you'll have to constantly add more fuel which means more weight which means some may fail due to being too big or just not being able to get off the ground cause they'll need my propulsion and fuel which adds even more weight but my method of
    Shield recharging in exception of fuel loss (must be activated to prevent unnecessary fuel loss that could cost you the battle) which it'll be even better cause it'll be a choice on whether you want to recharge the shields. Seems more fair cause lighter vehicles have more protection especially when they're easy to pick off and would add more variety.

    Sorry if this is long

    7.0 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Yes. @AstleyIndustries

    7.6 years ago
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    @Awsomur @Oski
    - sci-fi stuff: new structure parts not required, but new engines and guns (sfx) yes
    - fuel is so the devs dont need to add a new power system

    +2 7.6 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    also, instead of using fuel, it may use electricity instead of fuel. The electricity will be generated in generator, solar panels or by car engine in ground vehicles.

    +2 7.6 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Okay, but we'd need an entire sci-fi update for that. New fuselages, engines and weapons.

    7.6 years ago