I recently bought the game and I want to know. What ww2 plane you want me to build. The planes I'm planning to build are:
P-38 Lighting
Messerschmitt Bf 109
Focke-Wulf Few 190
JucKer's Ju87 Stuka
Hawker hurricane mk ik
Hawker Typhoon
North american P-518-15NT Mustang
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
I will make all of these but i needed an opinion. Also if u have other ideas then these then comment it.
@MonsterSlayer ok thanks. uhh. I don't know. sorry.
@Kazin here is the ME 262. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/KKuYwP/ME-262
Btw how do u do links.
Heres the link to the p-38. Its a wip https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3Q55iO/P-38-Lighting
Idk how to link sites
@MonsterSlayer Go for it! Lemme know if you want help or anything.
You should do the ME 262.
P-38 lighting
@MonsterSlayer Which is your fave?
@F104Deathtrap ye i do relized that r all of the planes i said where single engine.
Rather than focussing on single seat prop-driven fighters, try to choose an example of a variety of sizes and configurations. A single or twin engine jet, a four-prop bomber, a twin engine seaplane, and so on. The P-38 and Focke Wulf 190 are pretty far apart in terms of design, maybe a good place to start.
@F104Deathtrap actually i played this for a few months no but i recently bought the full version. Also i was planning to build all thats listed.
Build all of them. Consider it practice.
Doiner DO 335
Junkers Stuka.