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M.W. Aircraft: The history of a small-time building company.

31.3k Mostly  7.5 years ago

At the beginning.... M.W. Aircraft was unheard of; alone. Just floating in the unnoticed space of the website we call Then, it came out with it's first plane. The M.W. 800. It was a flawed plane. It was slow, heavy, and could only carry a light payload. Not long after, the second official M.W. plane came out. The M.W. 100 Combat trainer It was a bit flawed. No trim, or flaps. It had low armament but it could carry a lot under it's wings. M.W. aircraft then realized if they were going to make a military aircraft company, they needed to make fighters. Hence, the M.W. 410 V9 and the M.W. 8000 Both performed poorly. The M.W. 410 was expensive to manufacture, heavy, and poorly designed. The M.W. 8000 was a mediocre plane. It was cheap to produce due to it's low part count and inexpensive engine. The problem? It was bulky, hard to land, and turned like a race car with no tires. It was the loose cannon.

M.W. aircraft was then lost searching for a new plane to build. A prop powered reconnaissance aircraft will surely redeem those who had lost hope in M.W.! The M.W. 740! On the bright side, some people actually liked it! What was wrong? The same problem that tangled the 800, 410, and 8000. It was heavy, hard to turn, and stalled easily. It luckily got out of it's pit of shame by building the 500 bomber and 360 ground attacker.

After M.W. realized all of it's previous aircraft had been horribly designed and built, a replacement aircraft was made for the M.W. 410. The M.W. 70 and it's current most recent successor There was a V10 of the M.W. 410, but M.W. thought it would be best if it was left alone, after it had dug it's own hole. During that time, it was also making it's most successful fighter series, the 448. A replacement for the M.W. 100 was build as well (But was not well built.) It was the M.W. 92 and it was... as you can see.... very unpopular and unoriginal. It looked like the badly-manufactured version of a cessna 172 with weapons.

Special aircraft like the M.W. 366 and 216 were built.


M.W. aircraft is making a replacement aircraft for the very outdated M.W. 360. More weapon testing aircraft are on their way as well.

M.W. is run by me and my best friend