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I feel that it's so hard to be noticed

64 Greekempire2  7.5 years ago

The newest tab is nice but, I feel that whenever I upload something it's just buried before anyone even sees it under a pile of different creations. Now I feel that this system doesn't allow any one creation to stay on the main page for long enough to be seen by anybody unless they have some wild and catchy name\paint job. what i would like from all of you is just to debate ways to potentially fix this problem. thanks!

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    8,340 MrDoolittle

    Tell you a site secret. Your planes don't have to be good as long as you make friends by up voting the right people often. You want to be noticed? Make a friend out of someone you know will upvote your plane the moment they see it. Just a friendly tip

    7.5 years ago
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    I could help you out...

    7.5 years ago
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    im sorry to say, but the best way is to wait untill you are a better builder.
    People on this site like to see you first plane, but when you upload planes with not so high Quality over and over again, noone will Keep downloading them.

    i recommend to take a break untill you yre a really good builder
    good luck :)

    7.5 years ago
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    Always do something different,as i did with my first ever plane on the site, if you se a white and blue plane then make it black and red! Make something someone doesnt expect to see on one specific plane.

    7.5 years ago
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    aaa.....i would say make somethihng thats the best out there or invent some new stuff with current parts that not been invented yet

    7.5 years ago
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    thing is that this cant really be fixed, it changes everytime a person uploads something

    7.5 years ago
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    9,680 CarsonG1017

    @Botfinder but you don't see many 717's on the site that actually resemble the real thing.

    7.5 years ago
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    9,680 CarsonG1017

    @Botfinder true

    7.5 years ago
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    9,680 CarsonG1017

    @Botfinder well, yes and no. I personally think that the looks and design of the post make it different. It doesn't even have to be an odd plane. It could just be one uncommon to the site.

    7.5 years ago
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    @Carsong1017 fair point. But the point of this is that not everyone is great at making something out of the ordinary and some more time for your creations to be seen and evaluated would be quite nice. Secondly perhaps an good plane should get you noticed not necessarily the loudest design.

    7.5 years ago
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    9,680 CarsonG1017

    Making stuff that's out of the ordinary is a great way to get noticed.

    7.5 years ago