64 Greekempire2

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joined 8.6 years ago

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Millitary corporation organizer main board-------------------------------------------------------

Current active wars: Iron wars

Belligerents: wright and krakobola isles.

Active wright navy: 1 light Aircraft carrier USS Tiny, no destroyers or battleships.

Active wright Air-force models:

F-20 Husky: light fighter-bomber aircraft, modern combatt cababilities

F-12 "Shasta": light intercept, heavy focus on speed, outdated, outcompeted by all other active fighter variants

B-101 Foxhound: largely out of date close-air support bomber due to be replaced

C-71 Prarie-dog: Transportation aircraft

3 B-70 light sky-carriers
5 T-100 medium sky carriers
2 T-200 sky supercarriers

Krakobola Active Navy:

16 Defender-class light destroyers(out of date, lacking long-range missiles

20 Providence-class destroyers

6 Beast-class medium carriers

3 Zeppilin-class Super carriers

9 Liberty-class Battleships

Active Krakobola Air force:
