Hi all, I'm Jengstrom. I'm a former player coming back under a new name. I left around halfway between the 1.5 and 1.6 updates (according to the update dates on the app store) for various (but strong) reasons. When I left, I was a low level gold (around 8000 points) Any ideas what I should build first as my comeback release?
Hey! Welcome back! Sry for late comment.
Like I’ve said before. Don’t want to say. My old account’s name reminded me of some pretty bad stuff that happened to me, in and out of SP. just wanted to start over. @grantflys
Which user were you?
I'll tag you on an unlisted post and you can guess there. @SAC923
@Jengstrom ok. I'll keep your secret
Don't tell. Like I've said before. I want to start over. @SAC923
Wait a minute... I think I know who you are... Should I spill the beans or not tell?
@Iamsilverdahedgie nah, he was around 10K
Yeah. @SAC923
@jamesPLANESii around 10k, so it's not him
If you've figured out who I was, please don't say. I just want to start over. @Gestour
I'm pretty sure they are e-1
Okay, just tag me. @Jengstrom
@jamesPLANESii he did just leave.
@jamesPLANESii No clue.
How many points did E1 have? @Gestour
Wait. Didn't he live just a few days ago though? @Gestour
I can't work it out. XD @Gestour
Welcome back the community is still the same
I agree with awsomer.
Make a de haviland. That would be cool.@Jengstrom
@RailfanEthan I'd rather not say. It was related to some of problems that made me leave and I want to start over and forget about it
Welcome back. What was your previous username?
Welcome back!
Welcome back! I think you should make a WWII plane. Perhaps a Mosquito plane?