For all those who dont have the update, i wanna put a litle picture
I have triggered the ussBeast with the downwards facing miniguns and tried to escape...
The cool thing is, when i hit the water (my plane can swim), the engines and tail stoped burning
Thats all, have a great update day or wait patiently (if you want me to test something out feel free to ask)
Hmm... Mexi... er um bricks.. ar walls..., I don’t know toupees, @destroyerP
These new explosions and fire look good
Wow! @PilotOfFuture
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing yeah it Looks really cool, and when you get Close to a burning carrier, you can hear many small explosions...
Oooooooooooooh @PilotOfFuture
@Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing done
Can you give us a good picture of the new explosion animation?
@FlyingThings the best update was the one that added weapons
Thats the best update so far.
But what does trump sells @Hayhayjam664
What drugs do ducks sell
Quack! @destroyerP
@destroyerP ...
Smoke weed everyday