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A new tactically focused aircraft series/collab

31.3k Mostly  7.4 years ago

Due to 1.7, I wanted to put the new 'shell' technique to the test. If you don't know what the shell technique is, read this and this. I currently only have one experimental fighter that uses this technique, but I'm looking for some people who can hopefully share their creative ideas and tactical advantages within a group so we can make the first and best 1.7 aircraft to use the shell technique.

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    31.3k Mostly

    @Cerdon @Theron @Dynamicneedle Sorry for the late response. I was just waiting for buildup. What we have to do is basically what Cerdon said. We need planes that have speed, agility and armor. Basically, cover engines and fuel tanks to armor them. Then, make then light so they can be fast and agile.

    7.4 years ago
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    1,057 Cerdon

    @Mostly the ISC Tropics map is the best way to test aircraft durability because spawning an AI plane on the first air spawn (the higher alt one) will make the plane go into essentialy autopilot where they will attempt to maintain course and altitude.

    7.4 years ago
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    1,057 Cerdon

    or countermeasures (mach plus jets.)

    7.4 years ago
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    1,057 Cerdon

    so agility speed and armor

    7.4 years ago
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    928 Theron

    Ok what do you have in mind

    7.4 years ago