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Cancelled projects and remakes (VOTING CLOSED)

31.3k Mostly  7.5 years ago


(1) The M.W. 70 Mk.11 was going to be released but due to the news about new 1.7 damage models, M.W. aircraft knew it needed a new type of technique to build their planes.

(2) This is the M.W. 11. It was made before gyroscopes were added, but as soon as they came out, this plane still did not perform well without a skilled pilot (I had testers for this one.), therefore, the plane never left the lineup.

(3) The M.W. 220 was a great dogfighter, if it had speed. If you needed to go into combat, you needed to go into a mild dive for speed. If you ran out of speed, you can stall. In fact, this plane was so heavy for it's size, it stalled on takeoff, and the wheels, even without suspension, get crushed under the plane. Therefore, a replacement for this heavy fighter is underway.

(4) The The recently outdated M.W. 740 Mk.2 Was a remade version of the very outdated version of the M.W. 740. The problem? Well, the plane was slow, vulnerable, still bulky, and loud. It was not stealthy enough to become a reconnaissance aircraft.

You have the chance to bring two of these four planes back to life. Either 1, 2, 3, or 4. Vote your two below in the comments and I'll come back with results and the revamped aircraft! Mod used: Photographer's Map