3 fusealoge covering the wings
5 of them covering modifyed fuel tanks
5covering the props
And if I have Rotaters 1 for LG
2For turrets
And if you ask why
Becuse I, really exited not for 1.7 but for my old insert swear word here PC is getting an An upgrade from Windows XP yes I still use it to Windows 7 or 8 and a harddrive upgrade from 80GB to 500GB
And from 3gb ram to 4gb ram
The dinosaur lives muh hahahaha
Ok next week
It will be built monday
Link me when built pls!
I look forward to this.
@doge i hope one day i get an upgrade like that
@doge lol noice
Hmm how did you guess lol
The date on the mother board was 2005 harddrive was 2006@MrDoolittle