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To mod or Not to mod.

12.8k RodWan  7.5 years ago

So I've noticed that no on uses the transparent canopy's... Is there a reason for this? To allow mobile users to download and use the design, or in general keep the design as vanilla as possible?

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    12.8k RodWan

    Yeah so case and point, I released a new version of my N1 Starfighter yesterday, changed the name to indicate Outdated, updated the description and guess what, the one without the glass canopy got 200 more downloads. So either people cant read or they specifically avoid plane that have mods. That was the whole point of this post. If I want people to download my planes then don't put mods on them.

    7.5 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    I don't see a canopy in the picture, I'll have to Download and look at it when I get home

    7.5 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @Blue0Bull yes I see that it doesn't require any mods. Was that your point?

    7.5 years ago
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    573 SVT13

    @RodWan weird, because whenever I use a parts mod a message pops up telling me "please deactivate mods before uploading." My bad.

    7.5 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @SVT13 I just uploaded a plane with two mods.

    7.5 years ago
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    573 SVT13

    I think one issue is you can't upload when parts mods are active, I used to have tons of mods running until I started making planes to upload here, now all I've got running is overload.

    7.5 years ago
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    @RodWan not nessesarly, and just because you haven't personally seen it doesn't mean they aren't common, it just means you haven't seen it

    7.5 years ago
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    12.8k RodWan

    @MechWARRIOR57 Yes, but if you built an awesome cockpit, wouldn't a glass canopy make it better?

    7.5 years ago
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    well some people just don't upload everything they build, and mods aren't needed for making a great aircraft, just the ability to scale things, and xml

    7.5 years ago