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Steam Key/Amazon gift card challenge

24.0k TheLatentImage  7.4 years ago

Steam Key/Amazon gift card challenge

There will be two brackets for this challenge. One for mobile users who wish to win a top prize of a Steam key, and another for pc users who wish to win a top prize of a $25 Amazon gift card. You may enter in either challenge, but you cannot enter both.

The prizes are as follows

Amazon gift card bracket

1st place: $25 Amazon gift card
2nd place: $10 Amazon gift card
3rd place: Android/Apple version of mobile SimplePlanes

Steam key bracket

1st place: Steam key for SimplePlanes
2nd place: $10 Amazon gift card
3rd place: Android/Apple version of mobile SimplePlanes

The challenge is as follows:

Your task is to create a vehicle that is capable of easily navigating land, sea, and air. It may start out either on a runway or in the water. There must be a movement of parts or a transformation from at least one mode to another. Bonus point for moving parts or transformations for each mode.

The vehicle must be combat ready and capable of attacking and defending itself from land, sea, and air. It must also contain countermeasures of your choice.

It will be highly appreciated if the vehicle were VTOL capable, but that won't be required so long as the vehicle can land on the runway or in the water.

The judges will be looking specifically at these key areas:


How well the vehicle performs in its maneuvering as well as combat as well as ease of use.


How well the vehicle handles and responds to control inputs on land, sea, and air.


How well the vehicle maintains its own level and true balance on land, sea, and air.


How visually appealing the designs shape and colors are.


How detailed the design is. It is highly encouraged to create a cockpit for your vehicle. Even if you can't make all of the moving parts of a fully functioning cockpit, a cockpit of some sort is suggested.

The scores will be rated out of a possible 5 points for each category by the 3 different judges independently of each other. The values of those ratings will then be combined. A perfect score by one judge would result in a score of 25 points. A perfect score by all three judges will result in a score of 75 points. The users with the three highest point totals in each bracket will be awarded the prizes.

The challenge starts today 9/25/2017 and it concludes one month from now on 10/25/2017. Please have your submissions in by by 12:00 am as indicated by the time located in the bottom left corner of the website.

Xml editing is permitted, however game mods are not permitted.

Do not submit your design as a successor to this upload. Please use one of the links provided below.

Amazon gift card bracket

Steam key bracket

Submissions must be made under the links provided above in order to be considered for the challenge. All submissions must be original ideas for this challenge, and cannot consist of a previously uploaded design.

I wish everyone the best of luck, and I cannot wait to see your submitted designs.

Logo's created by

Link to challenge on design feed.

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    Almost finished. It looks very very ugly but especially with the transformations, it is going to conquer!

    7.3 years ago
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    @WaffleCakes no, you can enter the Amazon bracket with a build that was created on your mobile if you like.

    7.4 years ago
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    19.7k WaffleCakes

    @TheLatentImage can you only enter the Amazon GC challenge only if you're on PC?

    7.4 years ago
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    Oh @TheLatentImage

    7.4 years ago
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    @22zxSnakeEyes click the blue links above that say "Amazon gift card bracket" or "Steam key bracket" and make your submission as a successor to which of the two brackets you wish to enter.

    7.4 years ago
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    7.4 years ago
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    How do I submit a plane I still can't find where to post!?

    7.4 years ago
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    @destroyerP there are two separate brackets. One with a top prize of a Steam key and one with a top prize of an Amazon gift card. If you can't use the stems key then enter the gift card bracket.

    7.4 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    But I don’t have a computer to play with, what will I get if I win the challenge?

    7.4 years ago
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    @MasterLobster there will be no point deduction for any design so long as it meets the criteria provided above. My device can handle 800 parts or more, if need be I can upgrade my laptop version and judge from there as well. I have yet to choose the other two judges, but my goal is to have the other two judges use a laptop or a pc as well.

    7.4 years ago
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    Is a cargo plane going to have less points than a fighter if the cargo plane doesn't turn like a fighter? How many parts can each judge handle?

    7.4 years ago
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    @BogdanX glad to hear it, I wish you the best of luck. I'm hoping that judging will be extremely difficult.

    7.4 years ago
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    @BogdanX let's see something that isn't a replica come out of that factory of yours. It's not that I don't enjoy your replicas, but I would enjoy seeing that.

    7.4 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    I literally remembered the teaser for this XDDD

    7.4 years ago
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    Suit yourself @TheLatentImage , just a suggestion.

    7.4 years ago
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    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing I have no interest in profiting anything aside from seeing all of the cool designs that people upload.

    7.4 years ago
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    I may give it a shot, but if I don't get interested in what I'm building it never turns out well @TheLatentImage

    7.4 years ago
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    Ok @TheLatentImage , I hope so, perhaps you can find a way to profit from this?

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    True. @TheLatentImage

    7.4 years ago
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    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing as I told @Awsomur the only way to expand your skills is by attempting to do things that are currently beyond them.
    There may be challenges like this in the future. Part of it relies on the turnout of this challenge. The Amazon gift cards are provided by me, and the Steam/Android/Ios versions are provided by Jundroo. Perhaps occasionally I can find the spare funds to host a challenge like this again in the future.

    7.4 years ago
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    I love this idea! However I won't be attempting as I don't have the level of skill to contend with any platinum builders, many of whom I expect will be entering.... But this is a fantastic idea! Is there any chance we will se more challenges like this in the future?

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Dang, you just had to pull philosophy on me. Alright, I’ll enter it no matter how horrible my result is. @TheLatentImage

    7.4 years ago
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    @Awsomur the only way to expand your skills is by attempting to do things that are currently beyond them.

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    This is a great challenge idea. I don’t think I’m skilled enough to attempt it, but thanks for doing something like this!

    7.4 years ago
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    46.8k JMicah4

    @MasterLobster how large could that possibly be?

    7.4 years ago
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