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Coming Soon!

287 HappyMan090  7.4 years ago

I am currently working on a new plane that will succeed my current Nabel plane; the Nabel N30-323.
I can't post an image of it because I'm working on my iPad.

I call it the Nabel N40-300NX or Nabel N40-300 (Next Generation).

Let me know in the comments if:
a) you have any questions or just want to comment
b) how I can add images in forum posts/bio on iOS (I'd really appreciate it if you could help!)

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    hmmm... not working :(

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    If you need to get the URL for an image, use this website. Then, just do what AstleyIndustries said, and your all set. Images only work in forum posts and player biographies. @HappyMan090

    7.4 years ago
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    @AstleyIndustries Thanks for replying! I did try this and unfortunately I did not work and only made my bio look ridiculous! 😜

    7.4 years ago
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    To add images, take a screenshot then upload to any website. You can then type this in bios or forum posts to show the listed image.
    ![](image url)
    The url usually ends with a file extension like .jpg, .png or .gif

    7.4 years ago