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9,199 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing  7.4 years ago

Just got back from my first air show! It was INCREDIBLE!!! They had a hellcat and a Japanese WW2 fighter doing a mock dogfight, and they used small explosions the simulate gunfire, and a MASSIVE flaming explosion that sent black smoke up into the sky, the explosion was timed so that it happened just as the planes were above it. They had the cockpit of an F-4 Phantom that you could sit in! I could tell what 3 of the 50 gazzilion gauges did XD. We saw a harrier, they took off normally, but landed vertically, he came in, slowed down and stopped, then kind of just moved back and forth and turned 360 all while hovering! There was a stunt helicopter that landed on a moveing truck. They flew the only working Russian yak in the WORLD (it may have been in the U.S. actually) they flew formations with WW2 planes, and a DC-9! No blue angels unfortunately, but still a GREAT time!