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gunner position

2,528 TheWhistlingDeath  7.4 years ago

is it possible to have another user in the same plane as you on a different computer (for gunner) or an AI that shoots at the nearest air target

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    6,142 Hypn0

    @Weaverfish Can you try to act on it? this would be an amazing experience although you might need to team up with SpiritusRaptor because he's good at making mechs

    6.4 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison can you make this happen

    7.3 years ago
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    16.4k ThePrototype

    You could in theory use pistons and hook another player on your plane, but it would be hard

    7.4 years ago
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    101k Wallaby


    A "Share plane" feature like in FSX!

    Add a MP cockpit part that's super small bro, and you can set it to control certain parts of the plane! Also, allow multiple parts to be controlled by multiple cockpits, but the main cockpit gets primary control. Primary control can be transferred. Also, a person can choose where to go, but 1 person per cockpit.

    7.4 years ago
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    @Weaverfish if you are atlking about multiplayer, i have to destroy your dreams. A creation can push another one, neither can it pull.
    But for some reason, if you land a vehicle with spheres with friction of 100, you can land on someone and fly with him... maybe thats a thing

    7.4 years ago
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    39.1k Weaverfish

    I think it's possible. I'd have to build 2 Airplanes, the first is a huge bomber. The second would be a turret that could attach itself to the first plane at the back using some kind of strange mechanism. It would take you both spawning in the same place, then moving close together and engaging this locking mechanism.

    You'd end up with the pilot flying the plane and the gunner controlling the rear turret in multiplayer server.

    If a lot of people are into that idea, I might consider actually building it for fun.

    7.4 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    You should put this in the User Voice! Because it is a good idea!

    7.4 years ago
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    he's saying "how about my flea?" ?????????😂

    7.4 years ago
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    154k RussianAce как насчет моей блохи?

    7.4 years ago
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    @Awsomur you can! download this plane and when you want to just click camera and ag7

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Or the ability for you yourself to switch positions. @TheWhistlingDeath

    7.4 years ago
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    @Awsomur i agree

    7.4 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    No, but it’d be amazing.

    7.4 years ago