I don't think this is much of a problem for PC creators(idrk, as I've never played the PC version of SP), but for android and iOS users, this can be extremely frustrating. In the "modify part" tab where you rotate parts, you rotate them with a slider. When you set it to a certain angle, say 20 degrees, you take your finger off the slider, and it moves a slight amount, say to 19 or 21. I'm currently building a P40 Warhawk, and I'm trying to build the shark design on the front. Rotating each one of those 30 some teeth is proving to be very, very difficult and frustrating. In the next update could you please change it to where you type your rotation or make it like the "move part" section where you tap the little arrow buttons? Thanks!
Happens to me all the time
Also the darned bug where if you want to type in a value like 0.02 or 0.0'x' it automatically switches to 0.5. These are annoying bugs
That makes me so mad
@apfel33 you're not wrong
Set the rotation sensitivity to 25%
pls dev bois, do it
Yes, this problem has plagued other aspects of the in-game sliders.
Sometimes our fingers aren't just pens you know.
AGREED Immensely.
Agreed. If this becomes true then I would abandon my slow and laggy laptop.
Good. @apfel33
@QuantausAviation @Awsomur Oh really, I'll just say that ..... is better.
I agree with @QuantausAviation. I am infuriated at what you just said but the iOS vs. Android argument is pointless and just results in flame wars. So let’s just end this conversation now before it erupts into a debate. @apfel33
don't turn this into and apple android argument@apfel33
this would be very handy for the select few who can't get mods
@Awsomur well, another reason why iphones suck
apple store doesn't support mods
No it can’t actually. Apple regulations prohibit modifications to an app. @apfel33
no we can't @apfel33
@Awsomur ios can, but mods ar typicly not made for ios
So annoying!
That’s great for Android users, but iOS users cannot download mods. @apfel33
Download fine tunner mod@Awsomur @QuantausAviation