So, I think I speak for all of us when I say "THIS GAME IS FREAKING AWESOME!", but as with all great games, there are some things that would make it better. So this is my wishlist for the next update.
1 More props and jet engines and/or the to customize jet engine horsepower/lbf
2 change rotation with a type box rather than a slider on mobile
3 more guns, especially a wing gun like gun that doesn't have to attach to a wing
4 ability to set gizmos to the "Landing Gear" input on iOS and/or ability to do it on all platforms without modding, cuz ya know, modding can be a headache
5 ability to change fire rate and rounds per gun of a gun
6 Maywar Island on mobile (as a separate map obviously, as it will probably crash the game if you add it to the current map, probably need to take the windmills out as well)
7 more weather options (rain, snow, etc.)
8 ability to change the corners of the front end of the fuselage cone
9 decals to put on your plane (national flags, military symbols, etc.)
10 replay ability, just so you can watch that airplane be blown to smithereens again.
11 ability to take screenshots(the ones you take when you upload) in flight mode instead of in the build editor
12 (this one isn't really that big of a deal, but it'd be cool to have it) sonic boom after you hit the speed of sound
13 The Kraken on mobile (again, as another map, for the same reasons)
Obviously, you can't add all of these things in one update, and some of them would probably be impossible to add , but addding some of these in the next few updates would be amazing. Comment if you agree/disagree with any of these and all of your ideas for the next update.
I’d like to see more engines with more detail also more weapons preferably more guns either that or make the miniguns editable
I would like mods on iOS
@Maddox20 u can make a working speedometer using mods ive seen a lot of people do it, still havnt managed to do it myself ive been playing for like half a year now but still only a beginner with the mods
It would be cool having more Ai. Also to have windshields that are customizable and tintable. And different rims would be nice for car wheels. And a new map with a town. That would be really cool. And be able to add in a gauge for car or plane interiors. Like a speedometer, stuff like that. Also a hand brake for cars to. And it would be really really cool if you controlled a person!
I support this 100 percent
Note 3 yes more guns would be appreciated
1-3&5can already do with the mod overload
I agree with 7
10 used to be a thing to do that in the game was removed for some reason
9 why just make one or somthing
U can do that with the newest fine turner update update it by uninstalling and reinstalling fine tuner note you will have to put the parts back into place after resizing@tcheaberlin
14 ability to resize multiple parts at once
That's actually a really good idea
Lol @ACMECo1940
What about an additional rotor able to be adjusted past the 150 inch diameter for use on helicopters? And a part (fly-by-wire) that can sync the tail rotor to the main rotor for stability without the guesswork associated with the VTOL and Trim input sliders?
if you agree/disagree with any of these and all of your ideas for the next update.
After reading your comments I realize my mistake on 8 lol I was tired when I wrote this idek why I wrote "resize". Must've been thinking of another idea.
Add Maywar on mobile
I want better water physics as well, and ropes/chains!
4.yep yep yep
6.just remove da windmills
7.sweet coffee
9.sweet coffee
11.I agree for the last time's a mod
13.yes yes yes
Here's the issue with the sonic boom, the plane is traveling faster than sound... Thats it...
That means you would never hear a sonic boom from inside the plane, or anywhere near the plane.
This is something I seriously looked into when making that sound barrier vapor cone mod.
1 I agree
2 sounds good!
3 Gestour's weapons mod can help you with that
4 agreed
5 Overload mod can help you with that
7 me likey
8 how?
9 yee
10 already exists. You have to have Everyplay.
11 people have asked for that, and I want it too!
12 Gestour made a mod for that
13 YESSSS!!!!
you can already change the firerate, and modding isnt a headache if you know what you are doing, and we dont need a decal part, it would mean people have to do more work for greatness
There is already a replay feature, and I think would rather build my own decals, if for no other reason than to have put more effort into my planes, but otherwise I agree.
ability to resize the front end of the fuselage cone?????!??
@Botfinder Yeah I know, but they can asl other people on Android. Annoying, but no point in adding a feature that only iOS users will use.
The separate Maywar map is a good idea, but there should be an option like that for all the islands.
@MrDoolittle True, true.