When making an sized project whose length reaches 100ft, there's a delay, approximately a 5 sec for 80 ft, 10 for 100ft, a minutes in 500-550ft on every pop up of white keyboard background screen when saving an aircraft with the size mentioned above. Also on overload, when entering anything on it, the annoying white background appeared, along with the keyboard. I think the white keyboard background is the root of the delays when making sized projects like ships, replicas, and more. Also the crash when the length reached 600ft no matter of part count on mobile even your mobile was a beast. Those mobile issues must be fixed on the next update. Devs must fix this.
Note: i can build and run a 800ft aircraft carrier on the previous 1.5 version of SP on Android.
Please remove the white keyboard screen when saving aircraft's (it delays a minute to save) on mobile
107k Alisuchanka
7.3 years ago
İ agree
@Kimcotupan15 The white keyboard is an android issue yes, its not the game
@squideater56 thats an android issue dude
cause I can make mine as long as I want and don't have a problem, only when the white box opens up when saving
um guys, not to burst your bubble but that's not the game doing that or bring that up, that's your phone doing it, the game has nothing to do with it, the devs cant do anything about it
Yes I agree this has been a problem for me for a while now mostly in fine utter and over load escapes sly overload becuse some time it will cause my game to crash an it's not the partcount